Holocaust (Marvel Comics)

Holocaust is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in X-Men Alpha (February 1995), and was created by Scott Lobdell and Roger Cruz; however, a character with the same name and similar appearance (without armor) was featured in Stryfe's Strike Files (January 1993), two years before X-Men Alpha was released (the information on Holocaust in Stryfe's Strike Files seems to support an understanding that both versions of the character are one and the same).

Holocaust (Marvel Comics)

Holocaust is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in X-Men Alpha (February 1995), and was created by Scott Lobdell and Roger Cruz; however, a character with the same name and similar appearance (without armor) was featured in Stryfe's Strike Files (January 1993), two years before X-Men Alpha was released (the information on Holocaust in Stryfe's Strike Files seems to support an understanding that both versions of the character are one and the same).