Home Girls

Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology (1983) is a collection of Black lesbian and Black feminist writings, edited by Barbara Smith. The anthology includes different accounts from 32 black feminist women who come from a variety of different areas, culture, and classes. This collection of writings is intended to join black women together and encourage them to celebrate similarities that have often gone unnoticed. In the introduction, Smith states her belief that "Black feminism is, on every level, organic to Black experience". Writings within Home Girls support this belief through a series writings that exemplify black women's struggles within their race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, and home life. Topics and stories discussed in the writings often touch on subjects that in the past

Home Girls

Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology (1983) is a collection of Black lesbian and Black feminist writings, edited by Barbara Smith. The anthology includes different accounts from 32 black feminist women who come from a variety of different areas, culture, and classes. This collection of writings is intended to join black women together and encourage them to celebrate similarities that have often gone unnoticed. In the introduction, Smith states her belief that "Black feminism is, on every level, organic to Black experience". Writings within Home Girls support this belief through a series writings that exemplify black women's struggles within their race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, and home life. Topics and stories discussed in the writings often touch on subjects that in the past