Homeric Minimum

The Homeric Minimum is a grand solar minimum that took place between 2,800 and 2,550 years Before Present (c. 800–600 BC). It appears to coincide with, and have been the cause of, a phase of climate change at that time, which involved a wetter western and drier eastern Europe. This had far-reaching effects on human civilization, some of which may be recorded in Greek mythology and the Old Testament.

Homeric Minimum

The Homeric Minimum is a grand solar minimum that took place between 2,800 and 2,550 years Before Present (c. 800–600 BC). It appears to coincide with, and have been the cause of, a phase of climate change at that time, which involved a wetter western and drier eastern Europe. This had far-reaching effects on human civilization, some of which may be recorded in Greek mythology and the Old Testament.