Horibe Yasubee

Horibe Yasubee Taketsune (堀部 安兵衛 武庸, 1670–March 20, 1703) was a warrior in Japan. Yasubee was born to Nakayama Yajiemon (中山 弥次右衛門), a samurai of the Shibata Domain (a han in present-day Niigata Prefecture) . When Yasubee was 13, his father lost his position and became a rōnin. Soon afterwards, Yajiemon died, and as Yasubee's mother had died shortly after giving birth to him, Yasubee was thus orphaned. Eventually, Yasubee ended up in Edo and became successful as a master swordsman at the dōjō.

Horibe Yasubee

Horibe Yasubee Taketsune (堀部 安兵衛 武庸, 1670–March 20, 1703) was a warrior in Japan. Yasubee was born to Nakayama Yajiemon (中山 弥次右衛門), a samurai of the Shibata Domain (a han in present-day Niigata Prefecture) . When Yasubee was 13, his father lost his position and became a rōnin. Soon afterwards, Yajiemon died, and as Yasubee's mother had died shortly after giving birth to him, Yasubee was thus orphaned. Eventually, Yasubee ended up in Edo and became successful as a master swordsman at the dōjō.