
Hosszúhetény (Croatian: Hetinj, Etinj, Hetin, Jetin, German: Hetting, Heting, Langheting) is the most populous village in Baranya county, southwest Hungary, a significant centre of village tourism.It is located 18 kilometres northeast to Pécs, the county capital, in a valley between the feet of Zengő, the highest peak of the Mecsek mountains and the peak called . It has a population of 3424 (as of 1 January 2010) and an area of 45.27 km2 (17 sq mi). The valley has been inhabited since the Stone Age. Two other nearby villages belong to the administration of Hosszúhetény: and Kisújbánya.


Hosszúhetény (Croatian: Hetinj, Etinj, Hetin, Jetin, German: Hetting, Heting, Langheting) is the most populous village in Baranya county, southwest Hungary, a significant centre of village tourism.It is located 18 kilometres northeast to Pécs, the county capital, in a valley between the feet of Zengő, the highest peak of the Mecsek mountains and the peak called . It has a population of 3424 (as of 1 January 2010) and an area of 45.27 km2 (17 sq mi). The valley has been inhabited since the Stone Age. Two other nearby villages belong to the administration of Hosszúhetény: and Kisújbánya.