Howard Bison men's soccer

The Howard Bison men's soccer team is a varsity intercollegiate athletic team of Howard University in Washington, D.C., United States. The team is an associate member of the Sun Belt Conference, which is part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division I. Howard's first men's soccer team was fielded in 1965. The team plays its home games at Greene Stadium near the Park View neighborhood of the District. The Bison are coached by Howard alumnus and former U.S. national team player, Phillip Gyau.

Howard Bison men's soccer

The Howard Bison men's soccer team is a varsity intercollegiate athletic team of Howard University in Washington, D.C., United States. The team is an associate member of the Sun Belt Conference, which is part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division I. Howard's first men's soccer team was fielded in 1965. The team plays its home games at Greene Stadium near the Park View neighborhood of the District. The Bison are coached by Howard alumnus and former U.S. national team player, Phillip Gyau.