
Princess Hsinbyume (Burmese: ဆင်ဖြူရှင်မယ်; lit. 'White Elephant Lady') was crown princess of Burma from 1808 to 1812, and first wife of King Bagyidaw of Konbaung dynasty. She married Bagyidaw when he was Prince of Sagaing on 9 February 1803. Hsinbyume and the King Bagyidaw were cousins, as they both were the grandchildren of King Bodawpaya.


Princess Hsinbyume (Burmese: ဆင်ဖြူရှင်မယ်; lit. 'White Elephant Lady') was crown princess of Burma from 1808 to 1812, and first wife of King Bagyidaw of Konbaung dynasty. She married Bagyidaw when he was Prince of Sagaing on 9 February 1803. Hsinbyume and the King Bagyidaw were cousins, as they both were the grandchildren of King Bodawpaya.