Huanghelu station

Huanghelu (Chinese: 黄河路) is a metro station of Zhengzhou Metro. This station is an interchange station between Line 2 and Line 5 after Line 5 started operation on 20 May 2019. Interchange stations of Line 5 are decorated with themes of prefecture-level cities in Henan province. The station is the Anyang themed station, having a mural at the concourse of Line 5 featuring the Chinese characters theme.

Huanghelu station

Huanghelu (Chinese: 黄河路) is a metro station of Zhengzhou Metro. This station is an interchange station between Line 2 and Line 5 after Line 5 started operation on 20 May 2019. Interchange stations of Line 5 are decorated with themes of prefecture-level cities in Henan province. The station is the Anyang themed station, having a mural at the concourse of Line 5 featuring the Chinese characters theme.