Hudson's equation

Hudson's equation, also known as Hudson's formula, is an equation used by coastal engineers to calculate the minimum size of riprap (rock armor blocks) required to provide satisfactory stability characteristics for rubble structures such as breakwaters under attack from storm wave conditions. The equation was developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station (WES), following extensive investigations by Hudson (1953, 1959, 1961a, 1961b) (see Shore Protection Manual and Rock Manual referenced below).

Hudson's equation

Hudson's equation, also known as Hudson's formula, is an equation used by coastal engineers to calculate the minimum size of riprap (rock armor blocks) required to provide satisfactory stability characteristics for rubble structures such as breakwaters under attack from storm wave conditions. The equation was developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station (WES), following extensive investigations by Hudson (1953, 1959, 1961a, 1961b) (see Shore Protection Manual and Rock Manual referenced below).