Hugo Yasky

Hugo Yasky (born 10 October 1949) is an Argentine teacher, union leader and politician. Since 2006 he has been Secretary-General of the Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA), a major trade union federation in Argentina. Since 2017 he has additionally been a member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies representing Buenos Aires Province. Yasky is also vice president of New Encounter, a kirchnerist political party affiliated to the Frente de Todos.

Hugo Yasky

Hugo Yasky (born 10 October 1949) is an Argentine teacher, union leader and politician. Since 2006 he has been Secretary-General of the Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA), a major trade union federation in Argentina. Since 2017 he has additionally been a member of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies representing Buenos Aires Province. Yasky is also vice president of New Encounter, a kirchnerist political party affiliated to the Frente de Todos.