Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve

Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈwilo ˈwilo] , Pronounced: /ˈwiːloʊ ˈwiːloʊ/ WEEL-oh-WEEL-oh) is a private for profit natural reserve and ecotourism area in southern Chile. It is by the community of Neltume along the international road to Hua Hum Pass near the border to Argentina. The reserve has unique hotels, including Montana Mágica, the Nothofagus hotel, cabins, and a lodge for backpackers. The grounds also include a brewery, various animal habitats, a funicular, and many miles of trails. The reserve includes many waterfalls and the eastern slopes of Mocho-Choshuenco, a glacial compound stratovolcano.

Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve

Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈwilo ˈwilo] , Pronounced: /ˈwiːloʊ ˈwiːloʊ/ WEEL-oh-WEEL-oh) is a private for profit natural reserve and ecotourism area in southern Chile. It is by the community of Neltume along the international road to Hua Hum Pass near the border to Argentina. The reserve has unique hotels, including Montana Mágica, the Nothofagus hotel, cabins, and a lodge for backpackers. The grounds also include a brewery, various animal habitats, a funicular, and many miles of trails. The reserve includes many waterfalls and the eastern slopes of Mocho-Choshuenco, a glacial compound stratovolcano.