Human for a Day

"Human for a Day" is the seventh episode in the first season of the CBS television series Supergirl, which aired on December 7, 2015. It was written by Yahlin Chang and Ted Sullivan, and directed by Larry Teng. The episode centers on an earthquake that shakes up National City, causing the Department of Extranormal Operations headquarters to trap a suspicious Alex inside with Hank and the alien fugitive Jemm.

Human for a Day

"Human for a Day" is the seventh episode in the first season of the CBS television series Supergirl, which aired on December 7, 2015. It was written by Yahlin Chang and Ted Sullivan, and directed by Larry Teng. The episode centers on an earthquake that shakes up National City, causing the Department of Extranormal Operations headquarters to trap a suspicious Alex inside with Hank and the alien fugitive Jemm.