
Humanité (French: L'humanité) is a 1999 film directed by Bruno Dumont. It tells the story of a widowed, unlikely policeman investigating a rape and murder of a schoolgirl in rural France. His slow investigation is interspersed with everyday scenes of his quiet life. The film is shot with little dialogue in a contemplative and symbolical style. The policeman is named after a famous French painter, Pharaon de Winter, who was from the place the film is set.


Humanité (French: L'humanité) is a 1999 film directed by Bruno Dumont. It tells the story of a widowed, unlikely policeman investigating a rape and murder of a schoolgirl in rural France. His slow investigation is interspersed with everyday scenes of his quiet life. The film is shot with little dialogue in a contemplative and symbolical style. The policeman is named after a famous French painter, Pharaon de Winter, who was from the place the film is set.