Hund (village)

Hund, known in antiquity as Udabhandapura is a small village in Swabi district, situated on the right bank of the Indus River about 15 km upstream of Attock Fort and at a distance of about 80 km to the east of Peshawar in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, of Pakistan. It was the site of Alexander the Great's crossing of the Indus and an important site of Gandhara ruins. Udabhandapura (modern Hund) was the Turk Shahi capital of Gandhara, which possibly fonctionned as a winter capital alternating with the summer capital of Kabul, within their kingdom of Kapisa-Gandhara in the 7-9th century AD. *

Hund (village)

Hund, known in antiquity as Udabhandapura is a small village in Swabi district, situated on the right bank of the Indus River about 15 km upstream of Attock Fort and at a distance of about 80 km to the east of Peshawar in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, of Pakistan. It was the site of Alexander the Great's crossing of the Indus and an important site of Gandhara ruins. Udabhandapura (modern Hund) was the Turk Shahi capital of Gandhara, which possibly fonctionned as a winter capital alternating with the summer capital of Kabul, within their kingdom of Kapisa-Gandhara in the 7-9th century AD. *