Hyder Akbar

Said Hyder Akbar (born 1984 in Peshawar, Pakistan) is an American writer and an entrepreneur in Afghanistan. Akbar, a citizen of both Afghanistan and the United States, attended Diablo Valley College and transferred to Yale University. Akbar is from a political family, including Said Shamsoudin Majroh, who was the architect of Afghanistan's first constitution in 1964 and who had served as the Minister of Justice and Head of Tribal Affairs; Said Bahaoudin Majroh, who had served as Governor and was considered one of Afghanistan's leading intellectuals; and another influential member of the family was Shal Pacha, a tribal leader whose influence was particularly strong in the eastern region as well as the FATA areas of Pakistan. His father is Said Fazal Akbar, a former governor of the Kunar Pr

Hyder Akbar

Said Hyder Akbar (born 1984 in Peshawar, Pakistan) is an American writer and an entrepreneur in Afghanistan. Akbar, a citizen of both Afghanistan and the United States, attended Diablo Valley College and transferred to Yale University. Akbar is from a political family, including Said Shamsoudin Majroh, who was the architect of Afghanistan's first constitution in 1964 and who had served as the Minister of Justice and Head of Tribal Affairs; Said Bahaoudin Majroh, who had served as Governor and was considered one of Afghanistan's leading intellectuals; and another influential member of the family was Shal Pacha, a tribal leader whose influence was particularly strong in the eastern region as well as the FATA areas of Pakistan. His father is Said Fazal Akbar, a former governor of the Kunar Pr