Hyperdrive (British TV series)

Hyperdrive is a British television science fiction sitcom broadcast by BBC Two in 2006 and 2007. Set in 2151 and 2152, it follows the crew of HMS Camden Lock as they stumble through their heroic mission to protect British interests in a changing galaxy. The series is written by Kevin Cecil and Andy Riley, directed by John Henderson and produced by Alex Walsh-Taylor. The working title was Full Power. The first episode was broadcast on BBC Two on 11 January 2006. A second series began on 12 July 2007 on BBC Two.

Hyperdrive (British TV series)

Hyperdrive is a British television science fiction sitcom broadcast by BBC Two in 2006 and 2007. Set in 2151 and 2152, it follows the crew of HMS Camden Lock as they stumble through their heroic mission to protect British interests in a changing galaxy. The series is written by Kevin Cecil and Andy Riley, directed by John Henderson and produced by Alex Walsh-Taylor. The working title was Full Power. The first episode was broadcast on BBC Two on 11 January 2006. A second series began on 12 July 2007 on BBC Two.