
In Greek mythology, the name Hypseus (/ˈhɪpsiəs/; Ancient Greek: Ὑψεύς "one on high", derived from hypsos "height") may refer to: * Hypseus, King of the Lapiths, son of the river god Peneus by the naiad Creusa, daughter of Gaia, or by Philyra, a daughter of Asopus. By the naiad he had four daughters: Cyrene, Themisto, and (who married Periphas). * Hypseus, who fought on Phineus' side against Perseus, killed Prothoenor but was himself slain by Perseus. * Hypseus, son of Asopus, who fought in the war of the Seven against Thebes. He killed a number of opponents, including , , Linus, and Tages, and was himself slain by Capaneus.


In Greek mythology, the name Hypseus (/ˈhɪpsiəs/; Ancient Greek: Ὑψεύς "one on high", derived from hypsos "height") may refer to: * Hypseus, King of the Lapiths, son of the river god Peneus by the naiad Creusa, daughter of Gaia, or by Philyra, a daughter of Asopus. By the naiad he had four daughters: Cyrene, Themisto, and (who married Periphas). * Hypseus, who fought on Phineus' side against Perseus, killed Prothoenor but was himself slain by Perseus. * Hypseus, son of Asopus, who fought in the war of the Seven against Thebes. He killed a number of opponents, including , , Linus, and Tages, and was himself slain by Capaneus.