Iñaki Piñuel

Iñaki Piñuel y Zabala (Madrid, 1965) is a Spanish psychologist, essayist, researcher and professor of Organization and Human Resources at the Faculty of Business and Labour Sciences in the University of Alcalá, Madrid. He is an expert in Management and Human Resources and one of the leading European specialists in research and divulgation of mobbing or psychological harassment in the workplace and education. He was the author of the first book in Spanish on Mobbing: Mobbing: Cómo sobrevivir al acoso psicológico en el trabajo (Ed. Sal Terrae, 2001). Professor Piñuel on mobbing affected, stated:

Iñaki Piñuel

Iñaki Piñuel y Zabala (Madrid, 1965) is a Spanish psychologist, essayist, researcher and professor of Organization and Human Resources at the Faculty of Business and Labour Sciences in the University of Alcalá, Madrid. He is an expert in Management and Human Resources and one of the leading European specialists in research and divulgation of mobbing or psychological harassment in the workplace and education. He was the author of the first book in Spanish on Mobbing: Mobbing: Cómo sobrevivir al acoso psicológico en el trabajo (Ed. Sal Terrae, 2001). Professor Piñuel on mobbing affected, stated: