IEEE 11073 service-oriented device connectivity

The IEEE 11073 service-oriented device connectivity (SDC) family of standards defines a communication protocol for point-of-care (PoC) medical devices. The main purpose is to enable manufacturer-independent medical device-to-device interoperability. Furthermore, interconnection between medical devices and medical information systems is enabled. However, IEEE 11073 SDC does not compete with established and emerging standards like HL7 v2 or HL7 FHIR. IEEE 11073 SDC is part of the established ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards.

IEEE 11073 service-oriented device connectivity

The IEEE 11073 service-oriented device connectivity (SDC) family of standards defines a communication protocol for point-of-care (PoC) medical devices. The main purpose is to enable manufacturer-independent medical device-to-device interoperability. Furthermore, interconnection between medical devices and medical information systems is enabled. However, IEEE 11073 SDC does not compete with established and emerging standards like HL7 v2 or HL7 FHIR. IEEE 11073 SDC is part of the established ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards.