IX Corps (Grande Armée)

The IX Corps of the Grande Armée was a French military unit that existed during the Napoleonic Wars. The corps was first formed in 1806 from German troops allied with the First French Empire, with Emperor Napoleon I appointing his brother Jérôme Bonaparte as commander. During 1807, elements of the corps besieged several Prussian fortresses. The corps was revived as an all-Saxon unit in 1809 and leadership given to Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte. The corps fought at Linz-Urfahr and Wagram.

IX Corps (Grande Armée)

The IX Corps of the Grande Armée was a French military unit that existed during the Napoleonic Wars. The corps was first formed in 1806 from German troops allied with the First French Empire, with Emperor Napoleon I appointing his brother Jérôme Bonaparte as commander. During 1807, elements of the corps besieged several Prussian fortresses. The corps was revived as an all-Saxon unit in 1809 and leadership given to Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte. The corps fought at Linz-Urfahr and Wagram.