I Hope Your Heart Is Not Brittle

I Hope Your Heart Is Not Brittle is Portastatic's first studio album. It was released on Merge Records in 1993. It was also released in Japan with additional bonus tracks. These tracks are "Mute 1" which is the same as the Untitled hidden track on the US Merge release, "Replacement Parts" which is mislabeled, and is actually the song "Look Honey, Peaches" (available on the A Day in the Park compilation) and "Weighted Raft" (also available on the Ow!, Quit It 2x 7" compilation). According to Mac McCaughan, "Replacement Parts" was an unreleased song recorded for this album, but was not released until the compilation album, Some Small History (2008).

I Hope Your Heart Is Not Brittle

I Hope Your Heart Is Not Brittle is Portastatic's first studio album. It was released on Merge Records in 1993. It was also released in Japan with additional bonus tracks. These tracks are "Mute 1" which is the same as the Untitled hidden track on the US Merge release, "Replacement Parts" which is mislabeled, and is actually the song "Look Honey, Peaches" (available on the A Day in the Park compilation) and "Weighted Raft" (also available on the Ow!, Quit It 2x 7" compilation). According to Mac McCaughan, "Replacement Parts" was an unreleased song recorded for this album, but was not released until the compilation album, Some Small History (2008).