I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now

"I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" is a popular song. The music was written by Harold Orlob, the lyrics by Will M. Hough and Frank R. Adams. Orlob worked for Joseph E. Howard generating songs for Howard's productions and Howard presented the song as his own work for several years.The song was published in 1909 and was first introduced in the 1909 musical The Prince of To-Night when it was performed by Henry Woodruff. Early popular recordings were by Henry Burr (1909), Billy Murray (1910) and Manuel Romain (1910).

I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now

"I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" is a popular song. The music was written by Harold Orlob, the lyrics by Will M. Hough and Frank R. Adams. Orlob worked for Joseph E. Howard generating songs for Howard's productions and Howard presented the song as his own work for several years.The song was published in 1909 and was first introduced in the 1909 musical The Prince of To-Night when it was performed by Henry Woodruff. Early popular recordings were by Henry Burr (1909), Billy Murray (1910) and Manuel Romain (1910).