Ian Stanton

Ian Stanton (1950-1998) was described in his obituary in The Guardian as the disabled people's movement's "premier singer-songwriter and best-loved activist. His ironic lyrics encapsulated the humour as well as the anger underlying the civil rights struggle of disabled people, and his songs enlivened the public demonstrations ... in town centres across England." He performed his music across the UK and internationally, as well as being an actor on stage and national TV. He worked at the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People as the editor of the Coalition magazine.

Ian Stanton

Ian Stanton (1950-1998) was described in his obituary in The Guardian as the disabled people's movement's "premier singer-songwriter and best-loved activist. His ironic lyrics encapsulated the humour as well as the anger underlying the civil rights struggle of disabled people, and his songs enlivened the public demonstrations ... in town centres across England." He performed his music across the UK and internationally, as well as being an actor on stage and national TV. He worked at the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People as the editor of the Coalition magazine.