Ibn Zulaq

Abu Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Ibrahim ibn Zulaq al-Laythi (c. 919–996), commonly known as Ibn Zulaq (or Ibn Zawlaq), was an Egyptian historian, whose work focuses on the local history of Egypt during the Ikhshidid dynasty and the early years of the Fatimid Caliphate there. Ibn Zulaq was born in 918/9 in Egypt and died there in 996/7. Most of his work does not survive directly, but was extensively used and quoted by later historians such as Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi (13th century), al-Maqrizi (15th century), and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (16th century).

Ibn Zulaq

Abu Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Ibrahim ibn Zulaq al-Laythi (c. 919–996), commonly known as Ibn Zulaq (or Ibn Zawlaq), was an Egyptian historian, whose work focuses on the local history of Egypt during the Ikhshidid dynasty and the early years of the Fatimid Caliphate there. Ibn Zulaq was born in 918/9 in Egypt and died there in 996/7. Most of his work does not survive directly, but was extensively used and quoted by later historians such as Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi (13th century), al-Maqrizi (15th century), and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (16th century).