Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve

Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve is an Indonesian publisher of encyclopedia and reference books. Originally named Penerbit Van Hoeve Bandung, it was already operating in the 1930s. It closed on 1957 when Indonesia nationalized many foreign companies, but was re-established in ca. 1974 using the name PT Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve and was headquartered in Jakarta. One of its first publications in this new period was (1980) with Hassan Shadily as editor-in-chief. Ensiklopedi Indonesia was expanded from earlier book with similar name, Ensiklopedia Indonesia, by and published by the original Van Hoeve in 1955.

Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve

Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve is an Indonesian publisher of encyclopedia and reference books. Originally named Penerbit Van Hoeve Bandung, it was already operating in the 1930s. It closed on 1957 when Indonesia nationalized many foreign companies, but was re-established in ca. 1974 using the name PT Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve and was headquartered in Jakarta. One of its first publications in this new period was (1980) with Hassan Shadily as editor-in-chief. Ensiklopedi Indonesia was expanded from earlier book with similar name, Ensiklopedia Indonesia, by and published by the original Van Hoeve in 1955.