If I Did It

If I Did It is a book by O. J. Simpson and Pablo Fenjves, in which Simpson puts forth a hypothetical description of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Simpson's former manager, Norman Pardo, claimed that Simpson was not involved in writing the book, but rather accepted, against Pardo's advice, $600,000 from ReganBooks and News Corporation to say he had written it and to conduct an interview.

If I Did It

If I Did It is a book by O. J. Simpson and Pablo Fenjves, in which Simpson puts forth a hypothetical description of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Simpson's former manager, Norman Pardo, claimed that Simpson was not involved in writing the book, but rather accepted, against Pardo's advice, $600,000 from ReganBooks and News Corporation to say he had written it and to conduct an interview.