If You Could Hear Me Now

If You Could Hear Me Now is a compilation album by the American pop group The Walker Brothers. It was released in 2001. The album compiles material by the group from their mid-1970s reunion albums; No Regrets, Lines and Nite Flights. The compilation includes seven previously unreleased outtakes from the album sessions. All of the new material was later compiled on the expansive Walker Brothers boxset in 2006.

If You Could Hear Me Now

If You Could Hear Me Now is a compilation album by the American pop group The Walker Brothers. It was released in 2001. The album compiles material by the group from their mid-1970s reunion albums; No Regrets, Lines and Nite Flights. The compilation includes seven previously unreleased outtakes from the album sessions. All of the new material was later compiled on the expansive Walker Brothers boxset in 2006.