Ignacy Jakub Massalski

Prince Ignacy Massalski (Lithuanian: Ignotas Jokūbas Masalskis) (1726–1794) was a Polish-Lithuanian nobleman. Ignacy became a Catholic priest and was named Bishop of Vilnius by Pope Clement XIII on 29 March 1762. He was one of the initiators of the Commission for National Education. During his time on the Commission, Massalski set up 300 parish schools. In 1776 he was removed from the Commission for embezzlement of public funds. He was succeeded as head of the Commission by Michał Jerzy Poniatowski.

Ignacy Jakub Massalski

Prince Ignacy Massalski (Lithuanian: Ignotas Jokūbas Masalskis) (1726–1794) was a Polish-Lithuanian nobleman. Ignacy became a Catholic priest and was named Bishop of Vilnius by Pope Clement XIII on 29 March 1762. He was one of the initiators of the Commission for National Education. During his time on the Commission, Massalski set up 300 parish schools. In 1776 he was removed from the Commission for embezzlement of public funds. He was succeeded as head of the Commission by Michał Jerzy Poniatowski.