Ignacy Kłopotowski

Ignacy Kłopotowski (20 July 1866 – 7 September 1931) was a Polish Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto (1920); he founded this congregation with the assistance of the Polish nuncio Achille Ratti - the future Pope Pius XI. Kłopotowski served in Poland as a pastor towards those who were poor and orphaned and is best known for his commitment to the Christian press in which he established a range of Christian publications for the faithful.

Ignacy Kłopotowski

Ignacy Kłopotowski (20 July 1866 – 7 September 1931) was a Polish Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto (1920); he founded this congregation with the assistance of the Polish nuncio Achille Ratti - the future Pope Pius XI. Kłopotowski served in Poland as a pastor towards those who were poor and orphaned and is best known for his commitment to the Christian press in which he established a range of Christian publications for the faithful.