In Coena Domini

In Coena Domini was a recurrent papal bull between 1363 and 1770, so called from its opening words (Latin "At the table of the Lord", referring to the liturgical feast on which it was annually published in Rome: the feast of the Lord's Supper), formerly issued annually on Holy Thursday (in Holy Week), or later on Easter Monday. Owing to the opposition of the sovereigns of Europe, both Protestant and Catholic, who regarded the bull as an infringement of their rights, its publication was discontinued by Pope Clement XIV in 1770.

In Coena Domini

In Coena Domini was a recurrent papal bull between 1363 and 1770, so called from its opening words (Latin "At the table of the Lord", referring to the liturgical feast on which it was annually published in Rome: the feast of the Lord's Supper), formerly issued annually on Holy Thursday (in Holy Week), or later on Easter Monday. Owing to the opposition of the sovereigns of Europe, both Protestant and Catholic, who regarded the bull as an infringement of their rights, its publication was discontinued by Pope Clement XIV in 1770.