In the Making

In the Making is a Canadian television documentary series, which premiered on CBC Television on September 21, 2018. Co-created and hosted by Sean O'Neill, the series explores the creative process by profiling notable Canadian artists as they meet pivotal moments in their lives and work. Artists profiled in the first season of the series included musicians Lido Pimienta and Chilly Gonzales, choreographers Dana Michel and Crystal Pite, and visual artists Adrian Stimson, Shelley Niro, Divya Mehra and Curtis Talwst Santiago.

In the Making

In the Making is a Canadian television documentary series, which premiered on CBC Television on September 21, 2018. Co-created and hosted by Sean O'Neill, the series explores the creative process by profiling notable Canadian artists as they meet pivotal moments in their lives and work. Artists profiled in the first season of the series included musicians Lido Pimienta and Chilly Gonzales, choreographers Dana Michel and Crystal Pite, and visual artists Adrian Stimson, Shelley Niro, Divya Mehra and Curtis Talwst Santiago.