Inch'Allah (Adamo song)

"Inch'Allah" is a song composed and sung in French by Salvatore Adamo in 1967. The lyrics were written by Adamo as a peace song in the context of the Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab States. The song was banned in virtually all Arab countries for what they perceived as its pro-Israel sentiments and the mentioning of Jerusalem as a Jewish city after it fell under Israeli control during the war.

Inch'Allah (Adamo song)

"Inch'Allah" is a song composed and sung in French by Salvatore Adamo in 1967. The lyrics were written by Adamo as a peace song in the context of the Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab States. The song was banned in virtually all Arab countries for what they perceived as its pro-Israel sentiments and the mentioning of Jerusalem as a Jewish city after it fell under Israeli control during the war.