Indefinite product

In mathematics, the indefinite product operator is the inverse operator of . It is a discrete version of the geometric integral of geometric calculus, one of the non-Newtonian calculi. Some authors use term discrete multiplicative integration. Thus More explicitly, if , then If F(x) is a solution of this functional equation for a given f(x), then so is CF(x) for any constant C. Therefore, each indefinite product actually represents a family of functions, differing by a multiplicative constant.

Indefinite product

In mathematics, the indefinite product operator is the inverse operator of . It is a discrete version of the geometric integral of geometric calculus, one of the non-Newtonian calculi. Some authors use term discrete multiplicative integration. Thus More explicitly, if , then If F(x) is a solution of this functional equation for a given f(x), then so is CF(x) for any constant C. Therefore, each indefinite product actually represents a family of functions, differing by a multiplicative constant.