Independent Reformed Church in Korea

The Independent Reformed Church in Korea(IRCK) is a Conservative Christian denomination in South Korea. It was established in 1964, and was the only church to use Reformed in its name. It confess the Westminster Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort and the ecumenical creeds. It has its own seminary, the Theological Academy of the Independent Reformed Church. It is a member of the International Conference of Reformed Churches.

Independent Reformed Church in Korea

The Independent Reformed Church in Korea(IRCK) is a Conservative Christian denomination in South Korea. It was established in 1964, and was the only church to use Reformed in its name. It confess the Westminster Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort and the ecumenical creeds. It has its own seminary, the Theological Academy of the Independent Reformed Church. It is a member of the International Conference of Reformed Churches.