Industrial Schools in Ireland

Industrial Schools (Irish: Scoileanna Saothair, IPA:[ˈsˠkɛlʲən̪ˠəˈsˠiːhəɾʲ]) were established in Ireland under the Industrial Schools Act 1868 to care for "neglected, orphaned and abandoned children". By 1884, there were 5,049 children in such institutions throughout the country. The Act was superseded by the Children Act 1908.

Industrial Schools in Ireland

Industrial Schools (Irish: Scoileanna Saothair, IPA:[ˈsˠkɛlʲən̪ˠəˈsˠiːhəɾʲ]) were established in Ireland under the Industrial Schools Act 1868 to care for "neglected, orphaned and abandoned children". By 1884, there were 5,049 children in such institutions throughout the country. The Act was superseded by the Children Act 1908.