Ingetraut Dahlberg

Ingetraut Dahlberg (20 February 1927 – 24 October 2017) was a German information scientist and philosopher who developed the universal Information Coding Classification covering some 6,500 subject fields. Her career spanned various roles in research, teaching, editing, and publishing. Dahlberg founded the journal International Classification (now Knowledge Organization) as well as both the scientific (de) and International Society for Knowledge Organization.

Ingetraut Dahlberg

Ingetraut Dahlberg (20 February 1927 – 24 October 2017) was a German information scientist and philosopher who developed the universal Information Coding Classification covering some 6,500 subject fields. Her career spanned various roles in research, teaching, editing, and publishing. Dahlberg founded the journal International Classification (now Knowledge Organization) as well as both the scientific (de) and International Society for Knowledge Organization.