Ingimar Ingaldson

Ingmar Ingaldson (April 4, 1888—September 21, 1934) was a politician in Manitoba, Canada. He served in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba from 1927 to 1932, as a member of the Progressive Party. He was born in Hallson, North Dakota, in the United States of America, to parents of Icelandic origin. He came to Canada in 1901, and was educated at the Manitoba Agricultural College. He served as manager of several local cooperatives, including the North Star Co-operative Creamery and Arborg Farmers Co-operative Association Ltd. In 1913, Ingaldson married Violet Palson. From 1917 to 1926, he served as secretary-treasurer of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. He was also active in drama, and took part in several plays in the region.

Ingimar Ingaldson

Ingmar Ingaldson (April 4, 1888—September 21, 1934) was a politician in Manitoba, Canada. He served in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba from 1927 to 1932, as a member of the Progressive Party. He was born in Hallson, North Dakota, in the United States of America, to parents of Icelandic origin. He came to Canada in 1901, and was educated at the Manitoba Agricultural College. He served as manager of several local cooperatives, including the North Star Co-operative Creamery and Arborg Farmers Co-operative Association Ltd. In 1913, Ingaldson married Violet Palson. From 1917 to 1926, he served as secretary-treasurer of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost. He was also active in drama, and took part in several plays in the region.