
Gli Innamorati (Italian: [ʎ innamoˈraːti], meaning "The Lovers") were stock characters within the theatre style known as commedia dell'arte, which appeared in 16th century Italy. In the plays, everything revolved around the Lovers in some regard. These dramatic and posh characters were present within commedia plays for the sole purpose of being in love with one another, and moreover, with themselves. These characters move elegantly and smoothly, and their young faces are unmasked unlike other commedia dell'arte characters. Despite facing many obstacles, the Lovers were always united by the end.


Gli Innamorati (Italian: [ʎ innamoˈraːti], meaning "The Lovers") were stock characters within the theatre style known as commedia dell'arte, which appeared in 16th century Italy. In the plays, everything revolved around the Lovers in some regard. These dramatic and posh characters were present within commedia plays for the sole purpose of being in love with one another, and moreover, with themselves. These characters move elegantly and smoothly, and their young faces are unmasked unlike other commedia dell'arte characters. Despite facing many obstacles, the Lovers were always united by the end.