Inquirer Libre

Inquirer Libre is a free, bilingual (Filipino and English) tabloid published in the Philippines by the Philippine Daily Inquirer as a trimmed-down version of the newspaper for distribution on public transport. Established on November 19, 2001, it is the Philippines' first and Asia's second-oldest free newspaper. Unlike other Philippine tabloids, Inquirer Libre seeks to provide commuters access to decent, useful and meaningful news and current events. The income generated from distributing Inquirer Libre comes from advertising.

Inquirer Libre

Inquirer Libre is a free, bilingual (Filipino and English) tabloid published in the Philippines by the Philippine Daily Inquirer as a trimmed-down version of the newspaper for distribution on public transport. Established on November 19, 2001, it is the Philippines' first and Asia's second-oldest free newspaper. Unlike other Philippine tabloids, Inquirer Libre seeks to provide commuters access to decent, useful and meaningful news and current events. The income generated from distributing Inquirer Libre comes from advertising.