Inspection of the Foreign Legion

Particularly following World War I, the French Foreign Legion grew exponentially reputable and important in the French Army. Accordingly, new regiments have been formed which one of them was the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment 1er REC. The date of creation of the Inspection of the Foreign Legion was fixed on April 1, 1931. The inspection would be entrusted to a Général (or really exceptional Colonel), particularly specialized in Legion affairs. The inspection of the French Foreign Legion would give later form to the Foreign Legion Command.

Inspection of the Foreign Legion

Particularly following World War I, the French Foreign Legion grew exponentially reputable and important in the French Army. Accordingly, new regiments have been formed which one of them was the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment 1er REC. The date of creation of the Inspection of the Foreign Legion was fixed on April 1, 1931. The inspection would be entrusted to a Général (or really exceptional Colonel), particularly specialized in Legion affairs. The inspection of the French Foreign Legion would give later form to the Foreign Legion Command.