Institute of Political History

The Institute of Political History (Hungarian: Politikatörténeti Intézet, PTI), the legal successor of the former Institute of Party History (Hungarian: Párttörténeti Intézet) is a left-wing public utility private research institute and think-tank located in Budapest, Hungary, outside the Hungarian governmental institute-system strongly associated with the left-wing MSZP party. It is aiming and organizing the multifold scientific research of the recent past and the present age. Besides history it is widening its focus on other social sciences as well. It helps the birth of new scientific results with tenders, scholarships, support of individual and team researches. It enables the public usage of the documents of national value kept in the archives and library of the institute. Besides the

Institute of Political History

The Institute of Political History (Hungarian: Politikatörténeti Intézet, PTI), the legal successor of the former Institute of Party History (Hungarian: Párttörténeti Intézet) is a left-wing public utility private research institute and think-tank located in Budapest, Hungary, outside the Hungarian governmental institute-system strongly associated with the left-wing MSZP party. It is aiming and organizing the multifold scientific research of the recent past and the present age. Besides history it is widening its focus on other social sciences as well. It helps the birth of new scientific results with tenders, scholarships, support of individual and team researches. It enables the public usage of the documents of national value kept in the archives and library of the institute. Besides the