Intact America

Intact America is a registered non-governmental Intactivist (pro-intact or anti-infant circumcision) organization created in 2008 to advance the view that the circumcision of non-consenting minors is unethical and medically unnecessary, and therefore should be abandoned. They also claim that circumcision reduces sexual sensation in males and that it is a violation of modern bio-ethical standards to forcibly remove erogenous tissue from children. The activist organization uses traditional media, social-networking, demonstrating, and other methods to encourage social change. The group has been mentioned in the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, MSNBC, and Huffington Post.

Intact America

Intact America is a registered non-governmental Intactivist (pro-intact or anti-infant circumcision) organization created in 2008 to advance the view that the circumcision of non-consenting minors is unethical and medically unnecessary, and therefore should be abandoned. They also claim that circumcision reduces sexual sensation in males and that it is a violation of modern bio-ethical standards to forcibly remove erogenous tissue from children. The activist organization uses traditional media, social-networking, demonstrating, and other methods to encourage social change. The group has been mentioned in the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, MSNBC, and Huffington Post.