International Vietnamese Youth Conference

An International Vietnamese Youth Conference is organized every two or three years by the Len Duong International Vietnamese Youth Network, drawing Vietnamese youths from around the world to gather and discuss topics relating to Vietnamese youths and to network with each other. These conferences are attended by between 200 and 600 young people from more than 15 countries. The Vietnamese spelling of the conference is "Đại Hội Thanh Niên Sinh Viên Việt Nam Thế Giới," (World Vietnamese Student Youth Conference) and is therefore also abbreviated and nicknamed "DH" (conf.), followed by the conference number, such as "DH1" for the first conference, "DH2" for the second, and so on.

International Vietnamese Youth Conference

An International Vietnamese Youth Conference is organized every two or three years by the Len Duong International Vietnamese Youth Network, drawing Vietnamese youths from around the world to gather and discuss topics relating to Vietnamese youths and to network with each other. These conferences are attended by between 200 and 600 young people from more than 15 countries. The Vietnamese spelling of the conference is "Đại Hội Thanh Niên Sinh Viên Việt Nam Thế Giới," (World Vietnamese Student Youth Conference) and is therefore also abbreviated and nicknamed "DH" (conf.), followed by the conference number, such as "DH1" for the first conference, "DH2" for the second, and so on.