Intersective modifier

In linguistics, an intersective modifier is an expression which modifies another by delivering the intersection of their denotations. One example is the English adjective "blue", whose intersectivity can be seen in the fact that being a "blue pig" entails being both blue and a pig. By contrast, the English adjective "former" is non-intersective since a "former president" is neither former nor a president. 1. * Floyd is a Canadian surgeon. 2. * Floyd is an arsonist. 3. * Valid: Therefore Floyd is a Canadian arsonist. 1. * Oleg is a beautiful dancer. 1. * 2. *

Intersective modifier

In linguistics, an intersective modifier is an expression which modifies another by delivering the intersection of their denotations. One example is the English adjective "blue", whose intersectivity can be seen in the fact that being a "blue pig" entails being both blue and a pig. By contrast, the English adjective "former" is non-intersective since a "former president" is neither former nor a president. 1. * Floyd is a Canadian surgeon. 2. * Floyd is an arsonist. 3. * Valid: Therefore Floyd is a Canadian arsonist. 1. * Oleg is a beautiful dancer. 1. * 2. *