Intertemporal bone

The Intertemporal bone is a paired cranial bone present in bony fish and certain extinct amphibian-grade tetrapods. It lies in the rear part of the skull, behind the eyes. Many lineages of four-limbed vertebrates ("tetrapods" in the broad sense) have lost the intertemporal bone. These include Acanthostega, Icththyostega, colosteids (except for a vestigial intertemporal in Greererpeton), diadectomorphs, lepospondyls, and amniotes. Lissamphibians (i.e. modern amphibians like frogs, salamanders, and caecilians) also lack an intertemporal. Most temnospondyls lack an intertemporal, though several early groups like edopoids, dvinosaurs, and various other basal taxa retain the bone.

Intertemporal bone

The Intertemporal bone is a paired cranial bone present in bony fish and certain extinct amphibian-grade tetrapods. It lies in the rear part of the skull, behind the eyes. Many lineages of four-limbed vertebrates ("tetrapods" in the broad sense) have lost the intertemporal bone. These include Acanthostega, Icththyostega, colosteids (except for a vestigial intertemporal in Greererpeton), diadectomorphs, lepospondyls, and amniotes. Lissamphibians (i.e. modern amphibians like frogs, salamanders, and caecilians) also lack an intertemporal. Most temnospondyls lack an intertemporal, though several early groups like edopoids, dvinosaurs, and various other basal taxa retain the bone.