Inuit clothing

Traditional Inuit clothing is a complex system of cold-weather garments historically made from animal hide and fur, worn by the Inuit, a group of culturally related indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic areas of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. The most basic traditional outfit consisted of a coat (parka), pants, mittens, inner footwear, and outer boots made of animal hide and fur. The most common sources of hide were caribou, seals and seabirds, although other animals were used when available. Production of warm, durable clothing was an essential survival skill for the Inuit, which was traditionally passed down from adult women to girls. Preparation of clothing was an intensive, weeks-long process that occurred on a yearly cycle following traditional hunting seasons. The creat

Inuit clothing

Traditional Inuit clothing is a complex system of cold-weather garments historically made from animal hide and fur, worn by the Inuit, a group of culturally related indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic areas of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. The most basic traditional outfit consisted of a coat (parka), pants, mittens, inner footwear, and outer boots made of animal hide and fur. The most common sources of hide were caribou, seals and seabirds, although other animals were used when available. Production of warm, durable clothing was an essential survival skill for the Inuit, which was traditionally passed down from adult women to girls. Preparation of clothing was an intensive, weeks-long process that occurred on a yearly cycle following traditional hunting seasons. The creat