Inverted Castle

The Inverted Castle is a setting in the video game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997), which was designed by Koji Igarashi. Players control the protagonist Alucard as they explore Dracula's Castle. Upon defeating Shaft, a minion of Dracula, players are able to enter the Inverted Castle, an upside down version of the original castle. The Inverted Castle was included because the designers wanted to add more content without having to create new assets. The Inverted Castle served as inspiration for multiple games, 2014's Strider and Igarashi's Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Inverted Castle

The Inverted Castle is a setting in the video game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997), which was designed by Koji Igarashi. Players control the protagonist Alucard as they explore Dracula's Castle. Upon defeating Shaft, a minion of Dracula, players are able to enter the Inverted Castle, an upside down version of the original castle. The Inverted Castle was included because the designers wanted to add more content without having to create new assets. The Inverted Castle served as inspiration for multiple games, 2014's Strider and Igarashi's Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.