Ioannis Permeniates

Ioannis Permeniates (Greek: Ιωάννης Περμενιάτης, ?-1550) also known as Giovanni Permeniate, Joannes Permeniates and, Zuan Permeniatis. He was a Greek painter in Venice active during the early 16th century. His most popular painting is The Virgin and Child Enthroned. He was a Greek icon painter who attempted to escape the maniera greca. His icons exhibit qualities of both Venetian and Cretan styles. Exhibiting a more refined maniera greca, he eschews the simplicity of Duccio and Cimabue, and adds more space to his paintings.

Ioannis Permeniates

Ioannis Permeniates (Greek: Ιωάννης Περμενιάτης, ?-1550) also known as Giovanni Permeniate, Joannes Permeniates and, Zuan Permeniatis. He was a Greek painter in Venice active during the early 16th century. His most popular painting is The Virgin and Child Enthroned. He was a Greek icon painter who attempted to escape the maniera greca. His icons exhibit qualities of both Venetian and Cretan styles. Exhibiting a more refined maniera greca, he eschews the simplicity of Duccio and Cimabue, and adds more space to his paintings.