Irish Catholic Women's Suffrage Association

The Irish Catholic Women's Suffrage Association (ICWSA) was an organisation for women's suffrage which was set up in Dublin in November 1915. The association was established rather late in the struggle for women's suffrage (the Catholic Women's Suffrage Society was formed in the UK in 1911), despite the fact that most of Ireland's population was Catholic. Many also considered it risky to start a suffrage association with the potential of war looming over Ireland. Its founder members included Mary Hayden, a professor of modern Irish history at the University of Dublin and the first female to serve in the senate of the National University of Ireland (1909-1924), and Mrs. Gwynn (wife of Stephen Gwynn) who was the Honorary Secretary of the association. The association was non-party, non-milita

Irish Catholic Women's Suffrage Association

The Irish Catholic Women's Suffrage Association (ICWSA) was an organisation for women's suffrage which was set up in Dublin in November 1915. The association was established rather late in the struggle for women's suffrage (the Catholic Women's Suffrage Society was formed in the UK in 1911), despite the fact that most of Ireland's population was Catholic. Many also considered it risky to start a suffrage association with the potential of war looming over Ireland. Its founder members included Mary Hayden, a professor of modern Irish history at the University of Dublin and the first female to serve in the senate of the National University of Ireland (1909-1924), and Mrs. Gwynn (wife of Stephen Gwynn) who was the Honorary Secretary of the association. The association was non-party, non-milita