Irma Wehgartner

Irma Wehgartner is a German Classical archaeologist. Irma Wehgartner studied classical archaeology, prehistory, protohistory and ancient history at Würzburg and Munich. She graduated from Würzburg University in 1980 with the work, Attisch weissgrundige Keramik. Maltechniken, Werkstätten, Formen, Verwendung (Attic White-ground Ceramics. Painting technique, Workshops, Forms, Use) which remains the fundamental work on this theme, to this day. After this she worked on Volume 51, Würzburg 3 of in which the Etruscan pottery of Martin von Wagner Museum was published. From the mid-1980s until 1993, Wehgartner was employed by the Antikensammlung Berlin. At this time she worked on Volume 62, Berlin 8, a further volume of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. In addition, she organised the major exhibition

Irma Wehgartner

Irma Wehgartner is a German Classical archaeologist. Irma Wehgartner studied classical archaeology, prehistory, protohistory and ancient history at Würzburg and Munich. She graduated from Würzburg University in 1980 with the work, Attisch weissgrundige Keramik. Maltechniken, Werkstätten, Formen, Verwendung (Attic White-ground Ceramics. Painting technique, Workshops, Forms, Use) which remains the fundamental work on this theme, to this day. After this she worked on Volume 51, Würzburg 3 of in which the Etruscan pottery of Martin von Wagner Museum was published. From the mid-1980s until 1993, Wehgartner was employed by the Antikensammlung Berlin. At this time she worked on Volume 62, Berlin 8, a further volume of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. In addition, she organised the major exhibition